

Friday, December 31, 2010

Toyko New Years!

Well New Years in Tokyo, Amazing.

After getting back from Akihabara and charging my camera for the night I headed off to see Jamie in Roppongi. Caught up with him and spent New Years with him and a few of his mates Antony and Nick from South Africa.
Got a few pics here from his apartment on the 24th floor.
After dropping off my bag at his apartment we headed off into town to meet Antony and Nick and basically from there it turns out like any other New Years night. Drinks, shots and girls. The streets were absolutely packed and the traffic was going nowhere ( and why you would want to drive on New Years I don't know)

The temperature outside was pretty cold but between alcohol and thermal gear it wasn't noticeable and did remember to take some photos without dropping my camera! yay

 Having a view like this and being able to see Tokyo Tower from your room is pretty amazing

 Me and Jamie on the balcony
 Antony, Nick, Jamie
Euna, her friend, Me
All of us in Roppongi

Tokyo, Akihabara

Ok nothing exciting photos to see but just got back from a day trip into Akihabara to get a new camera (which is charging atm) and a new phone (which I didn't end up getting) oh and I picked up a 8GB MircoSD for my phone for more music.

Its chilly outside but its nice in the sun, and man is it hot in those department stores. Most of the stores I went into had at least 8 stories and every level had different items. Got my ass kicked playing Blazblue at the arcades but also got a little to excited when I won some games too lol, beating Japanese at games is in need of celebration . Failed at the many hook games I tried also and wow, sooooo many cosplay cafes.
This is a Gundam Cafe which like ALL cafes I saw outside and inside huge buildings all had lines, so I haven't been in one yet but I'm sure I will lol.

 Oh and the vending machines, I smile every time I get a hot coffee out of one, then I frown as it burns my fingers cause they are so hot.XD

For now I'm off to buy some beer and head off to Jamies for New Years in Roppongi.

 This is the main street I walked down in Akihabara and as you can see it was awesome and sunny

 Only in Japan would you want to put this on your car and think you are cool
 Akihabara Station
 This is just outside the Ikebukuro Station where I am staying
There are these Taito Stations EVERYWHERE and all the levels are just games

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Short n Sweet

1st post while i'm  in Japan is going to be short because i am tireeeeeeedddddd. After my flight and having a 12 hour wait in Osaka to get to Tokyo I walked around Osaka with my pack on my back for 5 hours.

I will post more tomorrow and hopefully put a few pics up as well, so for now its good to be here!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Paint Drawing Time

So it's only 11 days till I fly out!! and I thought I would post a few random pics I did at work while bored, in paint of course =)

It's only now that it's starting to hit me that im going to Japan, been trying not to think about it to much because I do want to sleep at night xD
But it is getting more and more real as the time goes pass, but have to get christmas out of the way 1st then forward to Japan!
What I think the new NZ flag should look like =)
and a random comic of me and a work mate

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Beginning

And so the time is nearly here were I depart from little NZ and travel to the amazing country of Japan. I have decided to do my 1st blog and base it on my travels through this wonderful country called Japan that I'll be traveling in. I shall try post every day with comments and lots n lots of photos (I'm sure I will take thousands if not millions for all to see)

I leave the country on the 28th of December and will arrive back here in NZ on the 3rd of February.
Maybe after doing a blog like this I might keep it up or start a new one who knows O.o

sit back and relax and see me enjoy my self in the country I've been wanting to see since I was 13!