

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kyushu, People

So I've been here in Kyushu for awhile now mainly because having fun meeting lots of people. So far the best thing about my trip hasn't been all the temples, shrines, places and sights I've seen but of course all the wonderful people I meet. Yes the sightseeing was pretty amazing! but I did all the sightseeing mainly in Kyoto and Tokyo and being able to come down to Kyushu and spend time at bars, doing karaoke and just spending time with Japanese people who call this life is by far the best.

Karaoke in Japan is pretty damn awesome, after going out for dinner and drinking real cheap drinks and lots of food I headed off to karaoke to again drink more drinks and eat again way to much food. 4 hours of Karaoke and a sore throat they would all want ramen after it all, seriously Japanese people work hard and wow they drink eat and play hard lol.

I went to a birthday party down here as well as just house parties with food drinks and some cool games to play. This is the most rememberable and enjoyable part of my trip which photos can't show but i will remember always these great people.

After being here for almost 5 weeks now I got to see how much rent would cost living here, food also and just general living costs. Yes Japan isn't cheap compared to other counties or even NZ but I found it only really in Tokyo to be expensive just like every other big city I guess. From other parts I've found apartments cheaper, food cheaper even alcohol is ALOT cheaper =) It will be alot easier to move here than I thought because I really had to come here to see what it's like instead of reading information.

Got mainly pics of the awesome people I have meet on my trips here today.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kyoto, Onsen

Short post for today =D

So for one of the days here in Kyoto it snowed, alot! So we ( a few frenchmen and our Japanese host ) decided to go to the onsen on this day, being frezzing and snowing!

The train trip was pretty cool, it was about 20-30 min away and got to see all the snow on all the buildings along the way. Once inside the onsen house (after we found our way there) it was very well kept and just cool inside. The water was amazing and being in the outdoor hotspring with snow falling on you was pretty cool!

After 2 hours of awesome soaking in hot water the french dudes wanted to buy a katana, soo we went to a shop somewhere in Kyoto and it started snowing hard! was pretty amazing oh and some cool armour in that shop too =D cheap too lol.

 Front of the onsen

Just outside the katana shop we were at in kyoto ( cant see well because of the light but its still snowing alot)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kyoto, Food

Only have a few shots but started to remember to take pictures of food when I have my camera and of course i remember to take them lol.

Went to a Kappa zushi which is a conveyor belt going around with sushi on it and you pick what ever you want from it or there was a touch screen where you can choose something you want and they make it fresh for you and send it to you.

My wonderful host here at the Sakura House where I am staying in Kyoto cooked me a awesome Nabe meal and a curry rice (which I wish I had my camera to take pics of those) but they tasted awesome. Curry rice is the best =)

I'll try update this post when I get more food pics!

 Each plate is 100 yen, I had alot =)
My ramen that I had, was pretty good =)

Kyoto, Sanjusangen-do Temple

So its been a week since I posted last or more! but I have alot of photos this time might make a 2nd post to make it more interesting!

My time so far in Kyoto has been pretty amazing, its a very relaxing city unlike Tokyo which is always busy and very energy consuming! I've been spending alot of time just walking around the city and taking in the country its self more than sight seeing. Not having a plan and just seeing where my feet take me makes it more that interesting when I walk into something that's pretty cool.

Been to a few more shrines and temples and on the 16th the Toshiya (Archery Contest) was on which I was wanting to go to while here in Japan, pretty excited that I managed to get to see one of the festivals I wanted to see!

 Nanzenji Temple

 Sanjusangen-do Temple Archery Festival

Monday, January 10, 2011

Kyoto, Kiyomizu Temple

So decided to go for a walk around town and ended up going up the hill and found Kiyomizu Temple. From this place you can see all of Kyoto spread out below you, the streets going up and down from this temple are pretty awesome as they are all very traditional looking. Once I reached the top the view was alot better than I thought it would be, mainly cause it didn't feel that big a hill that I had walked up. Walking around the top and seeing the view I saw a booth selling tickets to get inside this huge temple, so I paid my 300 yen and went inside.
Big building like this still amaze me because they are all made out of wood and are still so huge.
Was only out for half the day and even though everything was close was still a good 3 hour walk.

Oh and the futons here are AMAZING and comfy <3 futons
That reminds me I have to remember to take pics of food cause food is culture to! thanks to that person who reminded me =)

 Street walking up to the temple

 inside the temple

Saturday, January 8, 2011


2 posts in 1 day! cause it's cold here and I was lazy!

I left Tokyo at 11:15pm on a chilly night not to cold but enough for a jacket. Getting on the night bus it was super warm and cozy, found my seat and sat down getting ready for the 7 hour drive to Kyoto.
After 3 hours ride the bus stopped for a break and a drink did this again 3 hours later before arriving in Kyoto, the 1st stop I had my jacket off and thought I would be fine sneaking out to get a drink and go to the loo. After being outside for no more than 3 min I was frezzing, it was probably close to 0 that night.
Now once I arrived in Kyoto at 6:15am I woke up and was all warm and cozy and just had my jacket in my arms, walking down the stairs of the bus  I walked into snow never felt so COLD in a very long time. After this I managed to find my way to the bus stop and find a bus that was near my new home for 6 more days in Kyoto.

Had a wonderful sleep on a futon that night and woke up early to go for a walk around Kyoto. This place is sooo much better than Tokyo it doesn't have any huge tall buildings its all very small and spread out with lots of traditional house everywhere. It felt less rushed here and walking around was alot easier here and more fun even if it was snowing and a little bit cold lol.
 Not very good at taking close shots with a moving bus lol
 This was the morning I arrived
 This is the biggest river in Kyoto
 Bird on a rock in the river
 Random shop
 statues inside the shrine
 Nice house in a street in Kyoto
 This is the oldest Temple in Kyoto
more shots around the temple