

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kyoto, Food

Only have a few shots but started to remember to take pictures of food when I have my camera and of course i remember to take them lol.

Went to a Kappa zushi which is a conveyor belt going around with sushi on it and you pick what ever you want from it or there was a touch screen where you can choose something you want and they make it fresh for you and send it to you.

My wonderful host here at the Sakura House where I am staying in Kyoto cooked me a awesome Nabe meal and a curry rice (which I wish I had my camera to take pics of those) but they tasted awesome. Curry rice is the best =)

I'll try update this post when I get more food pics!

 Each plate is 100 yen, I had alot =)
My ramen that I had, was pretty good =)

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